Picture of the month

If you want to build an international 12 foot dinghy yourself, there is good news: The molds of the original 1913 Cockshott design are available now for amateur builders in sailcloth. Have a look at the blog article dinghy molds for the details.
See also the entire construction process of "Bruin Blauwtje" number NED888, shown in a series of photos. This work was completed by professional boatbuilder Jeroen de Groot in the Netherlands. See also the building proces of the amateur builder Henk van der Made
The original 1913 drawings prepared by George Cockshott may be downloaded for free:
sheet 1
sheet 2
sheet 3
sheet 4
sheet 5
The first class rules, published in the Yachtsman 1913 give an impression of how the designed was conceived.
The Friendship Series are events just for wooden classic dinghies (international 12's) according the Dutch rules. The Friendship calender 2025 will be published after 5-6 April. In this weekend the Baldeneysee event will be organised. Already a lot of intrest. More info in this blog article candidate Friendship series 2025
1 Germany, Baldeneysee, Ruhrpokal 5-6 aril 2025. See Information
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The 12 Foot Dinghy was designed in 1913 by the British maritime architect George Cockshott; as suggested by its name, the open sailboat measures 12 feet in length (3.66 m). Less obvious perhaps is that the original design made use of a common hull construction during the period, a technique known as lapstrake whereby planks are fastened together with copper rivets. The design quickly became popular and achieved international and classic status when approved as an Olympic class for the games held in 1920 and 1928. In the Netherlands the boat became known as the “12voetsjol”; in Germany as “12fuss dinghy”; in Italy as “12piedi dinghi”; in Japan as “A-class dinghy” and in the UK as “International 12 Foot Dinghy” or “International 12” in abbreviated form.
With such a range of names some confusion resulted, but the core remained intact: a love for a unique classical British open boat design capable of providing owners with much pleasure in building, maintaining and sailing the craft, either in organized competitions or in more relaxed touring events. Spanning across both competitive and tour sailing of the Internatonal 12 Foot Dinghy is a feel of comraderie and pleasure among the sailors. It is almost as if when one becomes the owner of an Internationl 12 one becomes a member of a large and open and international family of dinghy sailors.
Welcome, in other words, to this website for the historic International 12 Foot Dinghy. Much information is available about this classic open sailboat - also equipped with oars for those moments when the wind vanishes.
Our mission is to keep the International 12 Foot Dinghy worldwide as original as possible. No expensive modernisation and also no fiberglass.
Every year we organize at least four Friendship regattas, where we met each other, sail together in a friendly atmosphere.
We don't have a formal organisation with official roles, although a commodore is in charge, we are just a club of volunteers and 12 Foot dinghy lovers. If you are new, you will find here URL's with all the information you want. If you have already an International 12 you will find the latest information about our activities and of course a lot of hints. The name of our "organisation" is 12footdinghy classic wood club (12footcwc).
Welcome to this website for aficionados of the International 12 Foot Dinghy. A classic, eco friendly, so just wood.
The name “12footcwc” stands for “12 Foot Dinghy Classic Wood Club”.
The idea for this association dates from 2012 during an meeting in Luzern, Swiss. Prior to that year effort was made to achieve unity among the various national associations of the International 12 Foot Dinghy, particularly with the Italian branch. The efforts unfortunately did not succeed, mainly because of differences regarding modern and more classic boat construction principles. A consequence of those differences was a division between those giving preference to fiberglass hull construction, as in Italy, and those adhering to the original wood lapstrake hull design, as advocated in the Netherlands.
Since 2012, regattas have been organized under the banner “Friendship Series”, and are restricted to the classic wood design of the International 12 Foot Dinghy.
The logo below was designed by Bert Hamminga, called the “Admiral”. Bert passed away in 2021; A blog entry commerates his contributions to the association 12footcwc.
The rich history of the 12voetsjol / International 12 Foot Dinghy
Also nice to do: Touring events. Have a look at the video's.
Video Touring event near Oudega in the Netherlands
Video Touring event Slotermeer / de Luts in the Netherlands
reports that...
* Wintertime: maintenance of the dinghy. Interesting articles to help you. See 12footnews
* Have a look at our latest newsletter The Fleet
* Our focus in 2025 will be facilitating amateur boat builders with information, advice and to obtain an official certificate. And of course organizing the Friendship series
Lenght 3,66 m
Width 1,45 m
Depht 0,20 m
Depht of dagerboard 0,92 m
Sail area 9,5 m2
Crew 1 or 2 persons (no age or gender divisions)
It was in 1912 that the newly formed British Racing Association (BRA) launched a competition for the design of a small sailing and rowing dinghy which would be equally at home serving as a tender to a larger vessel or taking part in club races. The vessel should have an overall length of 12 feet, a beam of 4 feet 6 inches and a single sail of 100 square feet. The hull was to be clinker, planked in spruce on bent timbers. The competition was won by George Cockshott, an amateur boat designer from Southport, Lancashire, who had previously won prizes in other yacht and boat design competitions.
The design was baptised the 'A' Class One Design Dinghy but soon became known as the BRA 12 foot class. Following a few modifications the first orders were placed. By October 1913 the members of the West Kirby Sailing Club had already taken receipt of six BRA 12 dinghies. At West Kirby the design was again re-christened when it became known locally as the Dreadnought Class, with the entire fleet of these diminutive dinghies being named after contemporary British battleships such as the Audacious, Thunderer and Bellerophon. The Royal Engineer's Yacht Club was another early customer and before long their vessels were spreading throughout the British Empire. Soon the design spread to the Netherlands where it was greeted enthusiastically. By the end of the First World War there was a fleet of 140 BRA 12 footers racing there.
In the early 1920s the BRA merged with the Yacht Racing Association which hitherto had little interest in sailing dinghies. A subsequent International Yacht Racing Union (IYRU) conference decided that the BRA 12 footers should become the International 12 Foot Dinghy Class.
Some BRA members felt that an improved 12-foot dinghy should be designed for post-war use and approached Morgan Giles, one of the UK's best-known designers of small racing dinghies. Giles redrew the hull lines to allow a greater crew weight and improved sail carrying ability. He also moved the thwarts to improve the trim when the dinghy was being rowed. The new design performed better to windward, especially in light airs, and was stiffer and drier in a breeze. By this time eleven countries were sailing the International 12 Foot Dinghy and most of these were keen to adopt the new design, however the changes where opposed by the Netherlands and Belgium that had the largest fleets of original BRA 12 foot dinghies. Consequently, the International 12 Foot Dinghy Class retained George Cockshott's pre-war design. By 1920 the International 12 Foot Dinghy had become the most numerous One-Design class with over 200 boats in the United Kingdom and a large number overseas. The class was given further boosts when it was selected for the 1920 Olympic games in Belgium and again in 1928 when it was used as the single-handed boat for the games held in The Netherlands.
Netherlands, photographer unkown
Tony Zegers became in 1950 the Dutch champion with 558 Tecumseh. Then, the sail was made from cotton – an unthinkable form of sailcloth today.
Races on the lake Mooie Nel, near Haarlem, The Netherlands. About 1930
The boat number 558 is still sailing. Built at the wharf 'de Vlijt, this 12-foot dinghy has retained its original name, Tecumseh
The Sneekweek is one of the largests sailing events on a European lake. The International 12 Foot Dinghy (12voetsjol) frequently participates in this event.
After 1 3/4 minutes into the video, the International 12 foot craft are in view during the week-long event on Sneekermeer, 1926
In the Netherlands, advertisements for “12voetsjollen” (Internatonal 12 Foot Dinghies) can be found at the site of the Twaalfvoetsjollenclub and at the online site for used items Marktplaats. If you need help buying a dinghy, don't hesitate to ask the rear commodore.
There are, generally speaking, three price classes:
1 Old boats: between 3000 -and 7000 euros (often requiring restoration)
2 Second-hand in excellent condition: Between 8000 and 12000 euros
3 New or practically new: 18.000 - 25000 euros.
The above prices are indicative; recently, asking prices have dropped somewhat.
Is there any difference in sail performance and speed of boats in the three price classes? None, or hardly none. The qualities of the helmsman remain the most important factor.
Members of the Friendship Series are very open to providing advice and second opinions on candidate purchases. Two wharfs in the Netherlands are specialized in building the International 12 Foot Dinghy:
Jachtwerf van der Meer and Jachtwerf de Groot. They often have recently boats for sale.
Construction of an International 12 Foot Dinghy is not easy; it's almost a form of art. A variety of resources are invaluable: official drawings, class rules and contacts with sailmakers, boatbuilders and CAD architects.
The original 1913 drawings prepared by George Cockshott may be downloaded for free:
sheet 1
sheet 2
sheet 3
sheet 4
sheet 5
Two and three dimensional CAD models of the International 12 Foot Dinghy are available from Vasileios I. Koutsovoulos at the Greek company Mechdrafting
Drawings of the official Dutch "12voetsjol / International 12 Foot Dinghy" may be purchased from the Dutch watersport association for 125 Euro. See watersport tekening kopen.
In addition to the drawings,the Dutch classrules 2020 are available. The Dutch classrules from 2016 are translated into English. See class rules English 2016. You will need the class rules 2020, however, if you want to qualify for official Dutch certification. In the Netherlands are about 200 classic wooden dinghies that are certified.
The first class rules, published in the Yachtsman 1913 give an impression of how the designed was conceived.
The entire construction process of the new International 12 Foot Dinghy "Bruin Blauwtje," number 888, is shown in a series of photos. This work was completed by professional boatbuilder Jeroen de Groot in the Netherlands.
Animation made by the Dutch artist Henk Lampe in 2009
The lift chain, indicated with a red arrow in the photo above, is an obligatory piece of equipment on the International 12 Foot Dinghy. The chain is also handy when varnishing both the inside and outside of the hull.
An alternative to buying a new dinghy is restoration. Dinghy 770 is illustrative of this alternative: while the original hull was in very bad condition, the final result shows a boat as if new. And fast: Dinghy 770 was the Dutch champion in 2020. The proud owners are Arjen Kort and his father Harry Kort.
In this tab you get an impression of our activities: touring events, regattas, training. We hope you become enthusiast to become to join. As a boat builder, touring sailor or fanatic regatta sailor. Most of all enjoy this remarkable boat.
Enjoy with your friends a touring event in a 12 Foot Dinghy. The class exist since 1913.
25 dinghies in a regatta in Grou, Netherlands. The start and the first course are important. You will need all your skils to become first.
The 12 Foot Dinghy is one of the most difficult sailing boats to sail well. It is an honest boat: the helmsman is the determining factor. You can do training on your own. Especially tacking and gybing
The Friendship Series is the name for our international regattas, just for classic wooden 12 Foot Dinghies. The Dutch class rules version 2024 apply.
1 Germany, Baldeneysee, Ruhrpokal 6-7 april 2024. See Information and Report
2 Netherlands, Grou, Princenhoftocht 6-7 july 2024. See Information and Report
3 Belgium, Lac de L'Eau d'Heure, 19-20 October 2024. see Report
See also newsletter The Fleet #7
Celebration 2023 - 10 Year Friendship Series. An extra reason to participate.
The definitive Friendship Series schedule for 2023 includes the following events.
1. Netherlands. 1-2 July. Grou. Princenhof. Event report
2. Belgium. 15-16 July. De Bocht. Event report .
3. Germany. 2-3 september, Schwerin. Event report
4. Belgium. 21-22 October. Lac de l'Eau d'Heure. Event information
The Friendship series 2022
1. Germany. 2-3 april. Baldeneysee. Too cold and too much wind: cancelled.
2. Ireland. 4-5-6 June Clinkerfest. Irish, English and Dutch participants
3. Netherlands 2-3 july. Grou. Prinsenhoftocht. Participants from Turkey, USA, Belgium and the Netherlands. Read the report
4. Belgium 22-23 October, Lac de l'Eau d'Heure. Participants from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Read the report
Till 1 july regattas were not possible because of the pandemic. In 2021 two Friendshipseries were organised. Both in Belgium.
Read here the report of the Centennial regatta in Oostende, Belgium 10-11 july 2021.
Read here the report in Belgium on the Lac de l'Eau d'Heure 23-24 October 2021
The Turkish laser champion Anil Cetin pursues Wim Bleeker during the Vintage Yachting Games off the coast of Copenhagen with wind strength of 22 knots. A total of 19 participants from 9 countries registered for the event held 18-22 September, and constituted a reunion of former Olympic classes. The international 12 was an Olympic class in 1920 and 1928. Wim Bleeker was first in Copenhagen and got a prize with the names of the winners of 1920 and 1928 engraved. Anil Cetin came in second and received the silver medal;Hans Reijers placed third for a bronze medal. In addition to the international 12 Foot Dinghy, the class boats Solings and O-Jollen also took part. Considerable attention was given to these competitions in the press and on the internet. See the links below.
Photos from the Friendship Series / Vintage Yachting Games held in Copenhagen.
A report plus with race results prepared by the Vintage Yachting Games Organization (VYGO) and Rudy den Outer, available on wikipedia
A report from the Irish participant Mark Delany
Video available on Facebook, made by Wim Bleeker while racing his International 12 Foot Dinghy.
A report by Geja van Ommen available on the website of the Twaalfvoetsjollenclub .
Wim Bleeker in action. Dutch champion 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017. In 2016 also the winner of the Friendship series. Unbeatable this year. The Friendship cup is a special hat. Have a look at some pictures of Wim and his crew Marcel Bleeker. A movie of the Friendship price giving ceremoney in Lowestoft
Here the final results of the Friendship series 2015. The classic wooden dinghy is popular in many countries, 11 different nationalities at the starting line. Total 67 dinghies. And very important: honest races, all wooden dinghies have the same speed. The helmsman and the crew make the difference. Meet other classic wood lovers at the Friendship series.
Feel free to correspond with the 'officers' of the 12footdinghy organisation. E:12footcwc[at]gmail.com
You may also subscribe to the free-of-charge newsletter the Fleet. At this blog post all previous newsletters may be viewed.
The open Facebook page is available for maintaining contact with other members of the 12footdinghy community. Keep in contact with your 12footdinghy friends via facebook.
.There is also a WhatsApp group called "Friendshipseries". To join this group, send us an email.
Videos featuring the 12footdinghy can be found at this Youtube channel.
The blog 12footnews is mainly written in Dutch, but a translation button is available for major languages.
In many countries there are enthousiast contact persons for the I2footdinghy; see names below:
1 Ireland. Gerry Murray
2 Turkey. Rifat Edin
3 France. Philippe Le Rouzo
4 Germany. Reinhard Schröder
5 Netherlands. Pieter Bleeker
6 Belgium. Luc Kerremans
7 Japan. Yoichi Komori
8 Canada. Nicky Arnoldus
9 United States. Keith Mitchel
10 United Kingdom. Steve Crook and Doug Branson
11 Brasil. Roberto Geyer
12 Lithuania. Aidis Jaskevicius
If you have a question concerning internatioanl 12 Foot Dinghies, contact us at E:12footcwc@gmail.com
Covid-19 was stronger then Admiral Bert Hamminga who died of complications from the disease in April 2021. Bert found this hat in the Baldeneysee and had the excellent idea to promote it as the Friendship Hat. Henceforth we call this hat the Bert Hamminga Hat, and the winner of the Friendship Series has the honor to wear it for a brief moment, long enough for a picture to be taken. Clearly, Bert was a man blessed with much humor.
George Cockshott has designed the International 12 Foot Dinghy in 1913. Read more about his life here on wikipedia